Your ready-to-use box
to code a new future for technology.

Maximize the potential of your business with our ACTION BOX, designed to provide you with:
A guide to fostering gender diversity in technology within your organization, with findings and must-do actions to support women throughout their technology journey.
Event planning kit to organize impactful events inside and outside of your organization.
Articles, research, and case studies on gender diversity.
Action boxStrategy
A guide to fostering gender diversity in technology within your organization, with findings and must-do actions to support women throughout their technology journey.
- 10 items to understand the gender gap in technology
- 10 keys to promote gender diversity in technology
- Tops & Flops in the road to diversity
- Workshops and turnkey actions
- Go beyond
10 items to understand the gender gap in technology
(click on the images to find out more)
(click on the images to find out more)

43% of the female STEM students were discouraged by their relatives from following their choice (vs 28% of the male students).
Gender Scan students 2021 (in french)
The Gender ScanTM 2021 survey was conducted online (in 117 countries) from March to August 2021, on a declarative basis among 30,001 male and female respondents worldwide (11 years old and older). In France, 2,691 adolescents and 1,560 students answered the survey.

After graduating, only 23% of female STEM students end up holding a technical position (compared to 44% of men) McKinsey 2023.

Nearly 60% of female gamers prefer to hide their gender to play without fear of receiving an inappropriate remark and 77% of female gamers experience gender discrimination.
Study conducted by Reach3 Insights and Lenovo, involving over 900 female gamers in the US, Germany and China.

50% of young women who choose technology jobs leave at age 35, compared to 20% for other types of jobs.
Accenture and Girls Who Code – Reinventing Technology Culture 2020

60% of women in technical positions lack new skills

82% of girls rely on a professional to learn more about digital careers.

“Having a female support network at work is incomparable.”

43% of women in tech consider that certification training gave them the opportunity to obtain more responsibilities and 29% to obtain a raise.

All employers and recruiters must remove gender bias from job offers in order to attract, hire and retain men and women equally.

44% of tech professionals started with non-technological professions and changed assignments every 2.7 years.
Overcoming the fear factor in recruiting technology talent – McKinsey Study 2022
10 keys to promote gender diversity in technology
Women are underrepresented in technology jobs around the world.
Studies show regional variations in the understanding of IT, numerical and technological roles, resulting in varying statistics. WE HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS! McKinsey’s 2023 study changes everything and shows significant results in various key areas, providing a positive and impactful barometer to significantly reduce the gender gap by 2027.
As WoGiTechers, we believe it is possible to reach 45% of women in digital/technology jobs by 2027.
Corporate accountability is the key to real change in the industry.

Not only qualifications, but all profiles and skills
- Target of a diversified group of candidates
- Blind recruitment / Pedagogical and non-sexist job descriptions
- Raising awareness among business partners and head of HR

Against sexism, to ensure a safe workplace.
A team in charge of diversity and inclusivity, carrying out actions:
- Raising awareness / lunch & learn / E-learning
- Warning system for investigations
- An inter-company coalition, such as #StOpE

Breaking the isolation and finding a good balance between professional and private life.
- Provide support and guidance in women’s careers: Career start / Career development / Networking / Mentoring / Referral program
- Balance between professional and private life: remote working, flexible working hours, parental leave equally shared between fathers and mothers.
By 2027, the number of women in tech jobs can increase from 480,000 to 1 million.
Women in Tech in Europe – McKinsey 2023

Encouraging women to stay, by improving the experience of the first five years.
- KPIs to make women talents stay.
- Training and certification courses, on-the-job training
- Wage equality between men and women
- Creating project opportunities
- Promotion – KPIs for women in COMEX computing
50% of women who choose a tech job leave it before the age of 35 versus 20% in other sectors.
Women make up only 18% of DSI/CTO.
Reinventing tech culture – Accenture & Girls Who Code 2020
Women, who aspire to reach higher functions in the technological sector, feel that they must change companies to accomplish that. By encouraging women to stay, companies could increase the number of women in Tech from 370,000 to 440,000.
Women in tech in Europe – McKinsey 2023

Whether they are in tech jobs or not, give women the means to succeed in jobs that have an impact.
Offer appealing and evolving training in technology areas (upgrading and recycling):
- Women with non-traditional backgrounds presenting related skills (social media for instance)
- Women who have the most required skills but occupy non-technical jobs.
- Women who have technological skills, similar to the ones requested.
- Skill transferability
By 2027, companies can increase the number of women occupying technical jobs from 530,000 to 1,8 million.
Women in tech in Europe – McKinsey 2023
44% of tech professionals started with non-technological professions and changed assignments every 2.7 years.
Fighting fear when recruiting tech talents – McKinsey 2022

A long-term support for associations
Select associations dedicated to gender inclusion in digital and technological sectors.
- Budget
- Support and discussions with collaborators.

Ramp up
Fighting against school dropout among girls in STEM
- Internship within the first year
- Mentoring by collaborators
- Opportunities to work on pioneering and large-scale projects.
Increase the number of women in tech sector from 225,000 to 695,000.
Women in Tech in Europe – McKinsey 2023

Create & amplify
Powerful communications
- Events
- Raising awareness
- Understanding of employment
- Visibility – role models

A company-wide strategy with expected results
Strategical program designed with a shared leadership, backed up by COMEX and included in the medium and long-term roadmap:
- Definition of the insight and the strategic map, consistent with issues facing the country
- Mapping of the existing female workforce in tech jobs
- Analysis of the gap and desired targets
- Key Indicator Performance (KPI) and data monitoring
- Launch of the multi-entity community in tune with the ideas and challenges in the field
- Regular internal survey.

Alliances to focus on advocacy efforts
For a more attractive digital world:
- Partnership, collaboration and coalition with other organizations (industry associations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, etc.)
Tops & Flops in the road to diversity
Accelerating gender diversity in tech, top and flop stories from organizations
The Tops and Flops of organizations in their efforts to promote gender diversity in Tech was the theme of a…
Workshops and turnkey actions
Kickstarter Workshop “Let’s Ungender Tech”
Participatory workshop on gender stereotypes and biases directed at collaborators to change collaborative practices and environments by
Action boxResources
Our work is freely available under Creative Commons to reach the widest possible audience.
As a company, you can become a key player in this collective progress by supporting WoGiTech.
Articles, research and case studies on gender diversity.
- TStudies - Find out everything you need to know about the current state of play, see how things are evolving, set targets in figures, but also convince people and get them thinking...
- Exchanges and testimonials - Video and audio resources to discover the players and specialists in gender equality in tech.
- iOther resources - Articles, dossiers and any other media of interest to the WoGiTech collective.
Join us!
You truly believe in the impact of diversity in tech, and you commit to create a safe place for women. You have the power to write a new story!
By 2027, let’s make sure that women represent 45% of tech jobs employees. Let’s make diversity the norm!