
Your ready-to-use box
to code a new future for technology.

Logo Action box

Maximize the potential of your business with our ACTION BOX, designed to provide you with:


A guide to fostering gender diversity in technology within your organization, with findings and must-do actions to support women throughout their technology journey.


Event planning kit to organize impactful events inside and outside of your organization.


Articles, research, and case studies on gender diversity.

Action boxStrategy

A guide to fostering gender diversity in technology within your organization, with findings and must-do actions to support women throughout their technology journey.


Groupe de jeunes femmes au Salon Vivatech

10 items to understand the gender gap in technology

numérotation 01.


(click on the images to find out more)

numérotation 01.


(click on the images to find out more)

10 keys to promote gender diversity in technology

Women are underrepresented in technology jobs around the world.
Studies show regional variations in the understanding of IT, numerical and technological roles, resulting in varying statistics. WE HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS! McKinsey’s 2023 study changes everything and shows significant results in various key areas, providing a positive and impactful barometer to significantly reduce the gender gap by 2027.

As WoGiTechers, we believe it is possible to reach 45% of women in digital/technology jobs by 2027.
Corporate accountability is the key to real change in the industry.


Tops & Flops in the road to diversity

Workshops and turnkey actions

Kickstarter Workshop “Let’s Ungender Tech”

Participatory workshop on gender stereotypes and biases directed at collaborators to change collaborative practices and environments by

Visuel Dégenrons la tech. Femme qui tape sur un clavier avec filtre rouge.

Action boxTools

A kit to organize events that have an impact within and beyond your organization.

(Click on images to download files or folders)

Action boxResources

Our work is freely available under Creative Commons to reach the widest possible audience.

As a company, you can become a key player in this collective progress by supporting WoGiTech.

Totem Women + Girls in Tech

Join us!

You truly believe in the impact of diversity in tech, and you commit to create a safe place for women. You have the power to write a new story!

By 2027, let’s make sure that women represent 45% of tech jobs employees. Let’s make diversity the norm!