Josephine Silone Yates
The aim of all true education is to give to body and soul all the beauty, strength, and perfection of which they are capable, to fit the individual for complete living.

#WoGiTech #VivaTech



Josephine Silone Yates

Josephine Silone Yates

Who is she?

A chemistry professor 🧪, writer 📝, speaker 🗣️ and activist in the US

She was one of the first black professor hired at Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Missouri, US) 🏫

The first black woman to run the scientific department of a university ⚗️

Why is she in the spotlight?

Josephine Silone Yates made major contributions to journalism 📰 and to black women’s social mobility in general ✊🏾

She played a significant role in the creation of women’s club for African-American women👏🏾

Her commitment reminds us of ours, as well as the one of many people on social media who act on a daily basis to fight inequalities 📱

The aim of all true education is to give to body and soul all the beauty, strength, and perfection of which they are capable, to fit the individual for complete living.

#WoGiTech #VivaTech


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