
Job dating collective

10 October 2021

You participated in one or more Job Dating sessions during the 3rd edition of #Women & Girls in Tech, you met the company and the job of your dreams: check out the job offers and next steps.

Tuesday, October 12: “IT Project ManagementFind all the job offers of your favorite companies: BNP Paribas, Netatmo, Accenture, Natixis, Nickel, Atos….

Find the offers presented during the Job Dating:

  • 📆 Monday, October 11: “Data, Security, Network”

BNP Paribas Cardif : 🔎 SRE Ops Cardif Domaine Fonctions

Atos : 🔎 Consultant Senior en Data Management

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions : 🔎 Ingénieure de la Cybersécurité

  • 📆 Tuesday, October 12: “IT Project Management”

Atos : 🔎 Consultante SAP WB

BNP Paribas : 🔎 Responsable d’Application Monétique 🔎 Responsable d’Application Monétique – Authentification des Moyens de Paiement

BNP Paribas Cardif : 🔎 Responsable d’Application (socle Restfull – APIM & API)

Nickel : 🔎 Growth Hacker

BNP Paribas : 🔎 Business Analyst Stress Test

Arval : 🔎 Ingénieure déploiement solution véhicule connecté

Natixis : 🔎 Chargée d’étude maitrise d’ouvrage senior

  • 📆 Thursday, October 14: “Apprenticeships & Internships”

Nickel : 🔎 Alternante Cheffe de Projet infrastructure

Netatmo : 🔎 Alternante Web Applications Development

Atos : 🔎 Alternante Ingénieure Système (Windows, Linux, AIX)

BNP Paribas : 🔎 Stage Ingénieure Sécurité 🔎 Stage Data Scientist

Natixis : 🔎 Alternante Data Engineer 1 an 🔎 Alternante Développeuse API

  • 📆 Friday, October 15: “Web developer”

BNP Paribas : 🔎 Développeuse Androïd 🔎 Développeuse – Responsable d’Applications Facturation et Arrêtés

Atos : 🔎 Développeuse Back-End C/C++R&D

Accenture : 🔎 Développeuse Java/J2EE 🔎 Développeuse PLM 🔎 Développeuse Junior

Natixis : 🔎 Développeuse C#/. Net Senior Trading Electronique Equity

Found the company and the job of your dreams? Here are the Next Steps:

  • Follow the application link of your offer, follow the procedure
  • Then send an email confirming your application including offer reference + company to the following address: 📧 (e.g. Martine Bonnemine confirms her application for the position of “xxx xxx xxx ” reference ‘xxx xxx xxx ” of “X’ company)

We wish you great encounters!

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